Why your LUCID/EPR number may be invalid and what you can do about it.
Since July 1, 2022, marketplaces have suspended many seller accounts. What is the reason for this and how to prevent it, you can read in this article.
Sustainability, environmental protection, resource conservation: these and similar buzzwords have become increasingly important to society in recent years. Because we feel that a future worth living in is not possible without new approaches to solving these issues. The term circular economy comes up again and again in this context.
In the course of the VerpackG amendment, marketplaces will have to check all traders who sell through them to Germany with regard to compliance with the VerpackG requirements from July 2022. eBay has brought Lizenzero on board as a solution partner in this process.
Requirements of the Packaging Act Amendment for Marketplaces
Similar to what happened in Germany in 2021 with the amendment of the Packaging Act (VerpackG), packaging legislation was also comprehensively tackled in our neighbouring country Austria. For this purpose, both the Austrian Waste Management Act (AWG-Novelle Kreislaufwirtschaftspaket, adopted on 10.12.2021) and the Austrian Packaging Ordinance (VerpackVO Novelle 2021, adopted on 29.12.2021) were revised. Some of the numerous amendments specifically address foreign online retailers who ship their products to Austria.
Amazon and other marketplaces are currently informing all their sellers who send goods to Germany about new obligations in 2022 and requiring them to submit their so-called "EPR number(s)". From 2022, the EPR registration number(s) will be required as proof of compliance with the legislation applicable in Germany for placing packaging, electrical equipment and batteries on the market, as a basic prerequisite for a trader to be able to sell to Germany via online marketplaces such as Amazon & Co. Incidentally, the same applies to France. What exactly needs to be done is explained step by step in our article.
We have news for you! From January 2022, Lizenzero will be operated by the newly founded Interseroh+ GmbH, which will take the place of the INTERSEROH Dienstleistungs GmbH. The new dual system is committed to an innovative concept that enables major partners from trade and manufacturing to become an integral part of the solution for efficient recycling cycles. Under the guiding principle of a "recycling alliance", we thus want to come a few steps closer to protecting the climate and resources.
With the amendment of the German Packaging Act coming into effect on 3 July 2021, a number of things have changed for merchants and producers. Online trade in particular is affected by the new requirements. But the amendment also brings changes for distributors of transport packaging that must be considered. In the following article we inform you in detail about the changes.
Transport packaging is used to transport goods between individual trading partners and is generally used in the B2B (business-to-business) sector. They protect products from damage, weather influences and help to ensure that the products can be transported safely. How is packaging that is used for transport classified within the German Packaging Act? What do companies have to consider when taking back transport packaging? We share an overview with you and answer the most important questions.
Every year, rivers, wind and rain wash several million tonnes of carelessly disposed plastic waste into the oceans. Finely ground into micro plastics, it remains undecomposed in the environment. The result: marine life, which is essential for the balance of our ecosystem, dies or starves to death, and through fish and seafood, the plastic also enters the human food chain affecting our health.
Roughly two-and-a-half years after its initial enactment, the first Amendment of the German Packaging Act has now become law. Many of its changes affect merchants who distribute their goods to private customers. They now need to comply with more stringent versions of existing registration, proof and record-keeping duties. Other changes to the Act affect wholesale traders who place transport packaging on the market. What are the details of the changes introduced by the Packaging Act Amendment and what action do you need to take as an affected business? We have summarised the key information below.
The German Packaging Act (VerpackG) entered into force in January 2019. Since that date, some 200,000 companies have now registered their details in the official LUCID database. Yet many businesses are still not fulfilling their duties when it comes to product responsibility. To address this problem, the Federal Environment Ministry proposed an amendment to the Act in autumn 2020.
Schließen Öffnen Webinar: New EU Battery Regulation 2025
Webinar: New EU Battery Regulation 2025

In our free webinar on 01st April 2025 we will inform you about the new obligations of the Battery Ordinance. Get an overview of the new features of the regulation and familiarise yourself with the most important obligations and requirements.

Secure your spot today!