The Corona crisis has incentivized many retailers to digitize their business models and open up sales channels online. As online retailers often lack the spatial capacity to carry out order processing themselves, many started looking for fulfillment service providers who can support them in this endeavor. At the same time, well-established e-commerce-companies have also reacted to the fickle development, motivated to find crisis-resistant and flexible logistics solutions for their business.
The to-go mentality, online shopping boom or even single household goods - these and other trends nowadays cause packaging waste to rise continuously. In order to increase the recycling rates of packaging waste and thus take a step towards environmental protection, Germany enacted the Packaging Act (VerpackG) on 1 January 2019.
One of the most error-prone obligations of the German Packaging Act (VerpackG) is the data report. If the quantities in the LUCID customer account do not match the values of the dual system, sanctions such as fines or formal warnings can be threatened. The problem: the quantities must always be reported twice – 1x to the dual system 1x to LUCID. Even small typing errors are enough and the company concerned acts disorderly.
The Packaging Act (VerpackG) entered into force in Germany on 1 January 2019. The new law replaces the old Packaging Ordinance while also introducing a number of key changes. The Act affects all companies that are initial sellers of packaging intended for consumers in Germany or are the first to import such packaging into German territory. What do companies need to know if they intend to ship their goods to Germany? And what are the changes in the law compared with the old Packaging Ordinance? We provide you with a summary of the key changes introduced by the German Packaging Law (VerpackG).
Schließen Öffnen Webinar: New EU Battery Regulation 2025
Webinar: New EU Battery Regulation 2025

In our free webinar on 01st April 2025 we will inform you about the new obligations of the Battery Ordinance. Get an overview of the new features of the regulation and familiarise yourself with the most important obligations and requirements.

Secure your spot today!