German Packaging Act: Your To Do's

The German Packaging Act has been in force since 2019. It requires manufacturers and (online) sellers to purchase a paid licence for their sales packaging – i.e. all packaging that ultimately ends up with German private consumers – from a dual system and therefore comply with their Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). In addition, registration with the Central Agency Packaging Register Authority (ZSVR) is mandatory.

As of July 2022, marketplace operators are obliged to check the compliance of its merchants with these requirements.

Important: These above-mentioned requirements apply from the first packaging put into circulation and for all materials.

Do you ship to German costumers? Then you need to do the following if you are not yet legally compliant:



Start by licensing your packaging with a dual system provider. Use Lizenzero to do this through Interzero Recycling Alliance (and claim your 5% discount!) –
go here to enter your packaging volumes and start getting licensed today

✔ You’ll receive your system participation certificate to confirm your compliance


Submit your information to the LUCID Packaging Register run by the Central Agency Packaging Register.

✔ You’ll receive your LUCID registration number (EPR number) to pass on to Etsy

Data reporting

Enter the volumes you licensed and your dual system into the LUCID Packaging Register.

✔ You're done!

Packaging law, EPR, licensing & registration
The most important questions at a glance

What our customers say about working with Lizenzero

Moritz Bauer- Managing Director
minjo Coffee

As a young start-up, the topic of packaging licensing was new to us. We compared different providers and ended up with Lizenzero. For us, Lizenzero simply made the most likeable and best impression. We liked the website and the design and the price-performance ratio was also right. The calculator was also very cool, it was all set up simply and went super easy. It just fit.

Viola Kukclinski-Hagewiesche - Owner

Lizenzero made the issue of packaging licensing totally easy for me. I clicked through the site, click click, and the licensing was done. This made this part super easy for me during the difficult time of founding a company. That was the decisive point why I chose Lizenzero.

Philipp Rodemann - Managing Director

Everything was just right for us with Lizenzero: From the price-performance ratio to the positive customer reviews to the easy handling through the calculator.

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Frau Annette Mustermann

Frau Annette Mustermann
Sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.

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Get in touch with us now!

You would like to contact us by phone? Please call +49 2203 9147-1964

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*Voucher valid until 31.12.2025. Discount on net value of goods. No payout possible. One voucher per order and customer redeemable. No combination with other discount campaigns possible. Subsequent redemption not possible. The legal process is excluded.