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Old Packaging Ordinance, new Packaging Act

The new German Packaging Act entered into force on 1 January 2019, replacing existing national legislation in the form of the Packaging Ordinance (VerpackV). While the basic aims of the Act remain aligned with those of the earlier Ordinance, the text of the new legislation does introduce a number of changes. Indeed, some commentators have suggested the Act effectively constitutes an ‘amendment’ to the Ordinance, although this is not true, strictly speaking. Although the Ordinance had been amended several times previously, the new Act replaces the Ordinance, rendering these amendments obsolete effective 1 January 2019.

Licence now according to new Packaging Act

The Packaging Ordinance

Enacted in 1991, the Packaging Ordinance represents the start of packaging waste recycling in Germany in order to contain the impact of packaging waste.

The passing of the Ordinance also resulted in the establishment of the dual system and the discovery of a number of problems with its operation, especially in the early years. One of these underlying problems was the monopoly enjoyed by Der Grüne Punkt – Duales System Deutschland GmbH. Today, however, there are several accredited ‘dual system’ companies nationwide, which guarantees the overall efficiency of this model.

The Packaging Ordinance received a number of amendments, the last of which was adopted mid-2017.

Amendments to the Packaging Ordinance

After its enactment in 1991, the Packaging Ordinance was amended on several occasions. One key amendment to the Packaging Ordinance was its fifth amendment. Adopted in 2009, this piece of legislation introduced the concept of the Declaration of Completeness.

This Declaration of Completeness documents the volumes of sales packaging placed on the market by the manufacturer or retailer during a calendar year. The Declaration only needs to be submitted if these volumes exceed certain thresholds, however.

Known as ‘de minimis limits’, these are as follows (per annum):

  • 80 tonnes of glass
  • 50 tonnes of paper, paperboard and cardboard
  • 30 tonnes of plastic, metal and composites (in total)



In many cases, the Ordinance required an amendment because the system had revealed a number of weaknesses in practice. One key problem at the beginning was that of ‘free riders’, who simply reported much smaller volumes of packaging than they actually distributed. As a result, packaging ended up in the yellow bags/bins and paper or glass recycling bins although no ‘licence fees’ had actually been paid for it to the dual systems.


In many cases, the Ordinance required an amendment because the system had revealed a number of weaknesses in practice. One key problem at the beginning was that of ‘free riders’, who simply reported much smaller volumes of packaging than they actually distributed. As a result, packaging ended up in the yellow bags/bins and paper or glass recycling bins although no ‘licence fees’ had actually been paid for it to the dual systems.


of the Packaging Ordinance

Put simply, the Packaging Ordinance aimed to ensure that used packaging would no longer be thrown away together with other household waste. Instead, the Ordinance transferred responsibility for its disposal to packaging manufacturers and retailers. Anyone placing packaging with mandatory (dual) system participation on the market with a private end user as the final customer was now also responsible for its recycling.

For the end user, this meant that packaging placed on the market was no longer to be thrown away as part of domestic waste, but was to be disposed of using the ‘yellow bag’ or ‘yellow bin’, the paper bin or skip, or the glass bottle bank.

Changes introduced by the Packaging Act (VerpackG)

The new German Packaging Act (VerpackG) renders the Packaging Ordinance obsolete. The new Act introduces a number of changes for all initial distributors of sales packaging. Key changes here include the following:

  • Establishment of the Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR)
  • Mandatory, non-delegable registration (Section 9, VerpackG)
  • Mandatory, non-delegable data reporting (Section 10, VerpackG)
  • Stepwise increase in take-back targets

The Packaging Act is explicitly aimed at manufacturers and distributors who “place sales packaging filled with goods (incl. filling material) on the market that ends up as end user waste.” The Act makes no distinction between types or sizes of packaging. The sole criterion is that the used packaging is ultimately disposed of as waste by the end user.

Choose your packaging type:

  • Resources saved:

    Resources saved
    (Source: Fraunhofer UMSICHT)

    Here you can see how many kilograms of primary raw materials you save with your packaging licensing and its associated recycling. To clearly illustrate the volume saved, we also use a diagram containing the corresponding number of apples.

    The calculated values are based on an annual study from the prestigious Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT).

    We state the volume of primary raw materials saved and greenhouse gas emissions reduced by your company’s partnership with Interseroh on your personal resource protection certificate.

  • 0 kg
  • ≈ 0

Box S



Box S

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 25,0 x 17,5 x 10,0 cm
Weight: Paper/paperboard/cardboard 65 g
Example: DHL Package S

Box S

incl. packing tape


Box S - incl. packing tape

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 25,0 x 17,5 x 10,0 cm
Weight: Paper/paperboard/cardboard 65 g, plastic 2 g
Example: DHL Package S wrapped with PVC packing tape

Box S

incl. packing tape and paper filling material


Box S - incl. packing tape and paper filling material

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 25,0 x 17,5 x 10,0 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 70 g, plastic 2 g
Example: DHL Package S wrapped with PVC packing tape + Kraft paper or wood wool

Box S

incl. packing tape and synthetic filling material


Box S - incl. packing tape and synthetic filling material

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 25,0 x 17,5 x 10,0 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 65 g, plastic 12 g
Example: DHL Package S wrapped with PVC packing tape + bubble wrap with small bubbles

Air Cushion Envelope S

made of paper


Air bubble envelope S - made from paper

Our reference envelope has the following specification:
Dimensions: 180 x 265 mm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 15 g, plastic 2 g
Example: Padded paper envelope, DIN B5 format, lined inside with bubble wrap, size D4

Box M



Box M

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 37,5 x 30,0 x 13,5 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 275g
Example: DHL Package M

Box M

incl. packing tape


Box M - incl. packing tape

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 37,5 x 30,0 x 13,5 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 4 g
Example: DHL Package S wrapped with PVC packing tape

Box M

incl. packing tape and paper filling material


Box M - incl. packing tape and paper filling material

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 37,5 x 30,0 x 13,5 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 300 g, plastic 4 g
Example: DHL Package M wrapped with PVC packing tape + kraft paper or wood wool

Box M

incl. packing tape and synthetic filling material


Box M - incl. packing tape and synthetic filling material

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 37,5 x 30,0 x 13,5 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/card 275 g, plastic 24 g
Example: DHL Package M wrapped with PVC packing tape+ bubble wrap with small bubbles

Air bubble envelope M

made of paper


Air bubble envelope M - made from paper

Our reference envelope has the following specification:
Dimensions: 220 x 340 mm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 22 g, plastic 3 g
Example: Padded paper envelope, DIN A4 format, lined inside with bubble wrap, size F6

Box L



Box L

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 45,0 x 35,0 x 20,0 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 400 g
Example: DHL Package L

Box L

incl. packing tape


Container L - incl. packing tape

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 45,0 x 35,0 x 20,0 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 400 g, plastic 6 g
Example: DHL Package L wrapped with PVC packing tape

Box L

incl. packing tape and paper filling material


Box L - incl. packing tape and paper filling material

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 45,0 x 35,0 x 20,0 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 500 g, plastic 6 g
Example: DHL Package L wrapped with PVC packing tape + bubble wrap with small bubbles

Box L

incl. packing tape and synthetic filling material


Box L - incl. packing tape and synthetic filling material

Our reference box has the following specification:
Dimensions: 45,0 x 35,0 x 20,0 cm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 400 g, plastic 36 g
Example: DHL Package L wrapped with PVC packing tape + bubble wrap with small bubbles

Air Cushion Envelope L

made of paper


Air bubble envelope L - made from paper

Our reference envelope has the following specification:
Dimensions: 300 x 445 mm
Weight: paper/paperboard/cardboard 40 g, plastic 5 g
Example: Padded paper envelope, DIN A3 format, size I9

  • Resources saved:

    Resources saved
    (Source: Fraunhofer UMSICHT)

    Here you can see how many kilograms of primary raw materials you save with your packaging licensing and its associated recycling. To clearly illustrate the volume saved, we also use a diagram containing the corresponding number of apples.

    The calculated values are based on an annual study from the prestigious Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT).

    We state the volume of primary raw materials saved and greenhouse gas emissions reduced by your company’s partnership with Interseroh on your personal resource protection certificate.

  • 0 kg
  • ≈ 0

Shipping envelope S

without filling material


Shipping envelope S - without filling material

Our reference shipping envelope has the following specification:
Dimensions: 165 x 220 mm
Weight: plastic 10 g
Example: Plastic shipping bag for textile and courier shipping

Packaging cup S



Packaging cup S

Our reference packaging cup has the following specification:
Dimensions: Ø 15,5 cm x 6,8 cm (Capacity 500 ml)
Weight: plastic 19,4 g
Example: Salad bowls with hinged lid. Made of PET

Film S


Film S

Our reference film has the following specification:
Dimensions: 30 x 100 cm
Weight: Plastic 22 g
Example: Blown film or bubble wrap with large bubbles

Shipping envelope M

without filling material


Shipping envelope M - without filling material

Our reference shipping envelope has the following specification:
Dimensions: 245 x 320 mm
Weight: plastic 12 g
Example: Plastic shipping bag for textile and courier shipping

Packaging cup M



Packaging cup M

Our reference packaging cup has the following specification:
Dimensions: Ø 17,6 cm x 7,5 cm (Capacity 750 ml)
Weight: plastic 24,6 g
Example: Salad bowls with hinged lid. Made of PET

Film M


Film M

Our reference film has the following specification:
Dimensions: 60 x 200 cm
Weight: Plastic 45 g
Example: Blown film or bubble wrap with large bubbles

Shipping envelope L

without filling material


Shipping envelope L - without filling material

Our reference shipping envelope has the following specification:
Dimensions: 400 x 500 mm
Weight: plastic 15 g
Example: Plastic shipping bag for textile and courier shipping

Packaging cup L



Packaging cup L

Our reference packaging cup has the following specification:
Dimensions: Ø 18,9 cm x 8 cm (Capacity 1000 ml)
Weight: plastic 27,1 g
Example: Salad bowl with hinged lid. Made of PET

Film L


Film L

Our reference film has the following specification:
Dimensions: 120 x 200 cm
Weight: Plastic 90 g
Example: Blown film or bubble wrap with large bubbles

  • Resources saved:

    Resources saved
    (Source: Fraunhofer UMSICHT)

    Here you can see how many kilograms of primary raw materials you save with your packaging licensing and its associated recycling. To clearly illustrate the volume saved, we also use a diagram containing the corresponding number of apples.

    The calculated values are based on an annual study from the prestigious Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT).

    We state the volume of primary raw materials saved and greenhouse gas emissions reduced by your company’s partnership with Interseroh on your personal resource protection certificate.

  • 0 kg
  • ≈ 0

Bottle / jar S

with lid (plastic)


Bottle / jar S with lid – plastic

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 250 ml
Weight: glass 150 g, plastic 1 g
Example: Bottle with plastic lid

Bottle / jar S

with lid (aluminium)


Bottle / jar S with lid (aluminium)

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 250 ml
Weight: gass 150 g, aluminium 1 g
Example: Bottle with aluminium lid / cork stopper

Bottle / jar S

with lid (cork)


Bottle / jar S with lid (cork)

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 250 ml
Weight: glass 150 g, Other materials 1 g
Example: Bottle with cork stopper

Bottle / jar M

with lid (plastic)


Bottle / jar M with lid – plastic

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 750 ml
Weight: glass 500 g, plastic 1 g
Example: Bottle with plastic lid

Bottle / jar M

with lid (aluminium)


Bottle / jar M with lid (aluminium)

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 750 ml
Weight: glass 500 g, aluminium 1 g
Example: Bottle with aluminium lid

Bottle / jar M

with lid (cork)


Bottle / jar M with lid (cork)

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 750 ml
Weight: glass 500 g, other materials 1 g
Example: Bottle with cork stopper

Bottle / jar L

with lid (plastic)


Bottle / jar L with lid – plastic

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 1 l
Weight: glass750 g, plastic1 g
Example: Bottle with plastic lid

Bottle / jar L

with lid (aluminium)


Bottle / jar S with lid (aluminium)

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 1 l
Weight: glass 750 g, aluminium 1 g
Example: Bottle with aluminium lid

Bottle / jar L

with lid (cork)


Bottle/jar L with lid - Kork

Our reference bottle/jar has the following specification:
Dimensions: Capacity 1 l
Weight: Glass 750 g, Other materials 1 g
Example: Bottle with cork stopper

Paper, cardboard 0,000 kg

Plastics 0,000 kg

Glass 0,000 kg

Your license package:

Your annual licence contract includes the VerpackG-compliant licensing of the entered packaging quantities, the online seal as proof of your system participation, your annual Resources SAVED certificate and a service flat rate. To ensure that you are permanently legally compliant and do not have to worry about this every year, the contract is extended at the beginning of each year. You can cancel the contract yourself in your customer account up to 3 months before the end of each year.

25,00 € plus VAT

What are the benefits of the new Packaging Act (VerpackG)?

With the introduction of the Central Agency Packaging Register, the VerpackG makes it considerably easier to verify full compliance with the letter of the law while also increasing transparency and promoting fair competition.

The Failing to comply with the provisions of VerpackG constitutes a regulatory infringement and may be punished with a fine of up to EUR 200,000 or the imposition of a sales ban.

Compared to the Packaging Ordinance, the Act also introduces steep increases in take-back targets, in two distinct phases. Details are as follows (from 2019):


previously 75%
80% from 2019
90% from 2022

Paper, paperboard and cardboard (PPC)

previously : 70 %
85% from 2019
90% from 2022

Ferrous metals

previously : 70 %
80% from 2019
90% from 2022


previously : 60 %
80% from 2019
90% from 2022

Beverage cartons

previously : 60 %
75% from 2019
80% from 2022

Other composite packaging

previously : 60 %
55% from 2019
70% from 2022


previously : 36 %
58,5% from 2019
63% from 2022 (for mechanical recycling)

Schließen Öffnen Webinar: New EU Battery Regulation 2025
Webinar: New EU Battery Regulation 2025

In our free webinar on 01st April 2025 we will inform you about the new obligations of the Battery Ordinance. Get an overview of the new features of the regulation and familiarise yourself with the most important obligations and requirements.

Secure your spot today!