Product and outer packaging that is disposed of after consumption or use of the goods by the private end consumer in Germany is considered by the German Packaging Act to be packaging requiring a license, i.e. it must be licensed with a dual system. However, who is responsible for which packaging?

Find out what the Packaging Act means for you as a non-German producer in the following practical cases:

You sell your products yourself and/or your products are sold to the private end consumer in Germany via the trade*

According to the German Packaging Act, as the company that fills the packaging, you are responsible for the participation (synonym: "licensing") of the following packaging in a dual system:

  • Product and outer packaging including all components


Exception: Your products are imported into Germany by a distributor based in Germany who is legally responsible for the goods at the time they cross the border. Recommendation: The responsibilities should be laid down in the contract.

*Important: Private end consumers also include so-called equal accumulation points such as gas stations, museums, drinking halls, etc. according to the Packaging Act.

You sell your products (additionally) online

You will find detailed answers on online trading in the context of the German Packaging Law on the following page:
The Packaging Law for onlineshops

Sie sind im Ausland ansässig und verkaufen Ihre Produkte direkt an deutsche Endverbraucher

Da Sie bei einem direkten Versand an den deutschen Endverbraucher ohne Zuschaltung eines Zwischenhändlers beim Grenzübertritt der Ware die Verantwortung für diese tragen, sind Sie für die Systembeteiligung folgender Verpackungen verantwortlich:

  • alle Verpackungen und Verpackungsbestandteile, die mit in den deutschen Geltungsbereich eingeführt werden


License now in 3 steps

Calculate your License Fee with our calculator

Create Lizenzero account

Create Lizenzero account

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Close the contract

Close the contract

Schließen Öffnen Webinar: New EU Battery Regulation 2025
Webinar: New EU Battery Regulation 2025

In our free webinar on 01st April 2025 we will inform you about the new obligations of the Battery Ordinance. Get an overview of the new features of the regulation and familiarise yourself with the most important obligations and requirements.

Secure your spot today!